The anticipated response time to electronic provider messages is 72 hours. If you believe you are experiencing an urgent or life threatening health condition, please call 911, go to the nearest emergency room or call your physician office.
If your provider is out of the office or unavailable, messages sent via MyPellaHealth may be routed to other authorized caregivers within Pella Regional Health Center clinics in order to facilitate a timely response to your request.
PRHC may send you messages via MyPellaHealth. It is your responsibility to monitor these messages and respond in an appropriate manner.
If you are a patient at any of our Pella Regional Health Center locations and have not yet enrolled for the portal, we are able to enroll you. For enrollment assistance or support questions you may e-mail or call.
E-mail us at Please provide your full name, date of birth and phone number.
Call us on our portal support line at 641-628-6792. Please provide your full name and its spelling, your date of birth and phone number. Anticipated response time for portal support is 48 hours M-F.
For the best mobile portal experience, use the MHealth mobile app. Download MHealth for free from either the Apple Store or Google Play.
The anticipated response time to electronic provider messages is 72 hours. If you believe you are experiencing an urgent or life threatening health condition, please call 911, go to the nearest emergency room or call your physician office.
If your provider is out of the office or unavailable, messages sent via MyPellaHealth may be routed to other authorized caregivers within Pella Regional Health Center clinics in order to facilitate a timely response to your request.
PRHC may send you messages via MyPellaHealth. It is your responsibility to monitor these messages and respond in an appropriate manner.
If you are a patient at any of our Pella Regional Health Center locations and have not yet enrolled for the portal, we are able to enroll you. For enrollment assistance or support questions you may e-mail or call.
E-mail us at Please provide your full name, date of birth and phone number.
Call us on our portal support line at 641-628-6792. Please provide your full name and its spelling, your date of birth and phone number. Anticipated response time for portal support is 48 hours M-F.
For the best mobile portal experience, use the MHealth mobile app. Download MHealth for free from either the Apple Store or Google Play.
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